Why Ben Franklin Technology Partners is fighting for more state funding
Ben Franklin Technology Partners has earned international acclaim as the gold standard in technology-based economic development. The risks associated with underfunding the centers are clear.
Four Reasons Why: Pennsylvania Cannot Afford to Have Its Tech-Based Economic Development Fall Behind
Four Reasons Why: Inclusion is an Organizational Priority for Innovation Works
Ryan Glenn, Director of Statewide Initiatives Discusses Tech Innovation on Comcast Newsmakers
Four Reasons Why: Pennsylvania is a Great Place to Start and Grow a Tech Company
Four Reasons Why: Pennsylvania Should Invest in Tech Innovation
Business starter Ben Franklin says state funding shortfall puts Pennsylvania growth at risk
Four Reasons Why: Ben Franklin’s Investment in Entrepreneurs is Unique
The Daily Item: Without funding innovation, we risk falling behind
Network Magazine: It’s time to restore funding to PA’s tech-based job-creation engine
Four Reasons Why: Business Incubation is Vital to Early-Stage Technology Firms.
Ben Franklin Technology Partners Testify before Senate Appropriations Committee